Have you ever heard that old adage "Nice GuysFinish Last?"Well, I'm here to tell you that saying is 100%true! But not for the reasons you may think.Being a "Nice Guy" with women doesn't work,not because you get too caught up in what agirl wants and get stuck as a friend, butbecause Nice Guys are typically very, very...SELFISH!That's right. When you're a "Nice Guy," you'renot really being nice, you're being EMOTIONALLYGREEDY.Let me explain...One of the biggest problems guys who arestruggling with women face is something Ilike to call "the Nice Guy factor."
so little self-esteem, that they base theirown self-worth on what other people THINK OFTHEM.These guys are at the mercy of everyone elsein their lives, so they try their best toplease the people around them, hopingthey'll continue to think highly of them,so they can feel good about themselves.That's not so bad, right? It feels good whenothers approve of you, doesn't it?Most people look at this behavior and wouldinstantly categorize these poor men in the"Nice Guys" column. After all, they're theones who don't like conflict. They're theones who don't want to make waves. They'rethe ones who want everyone to be happy.They are also some of the most selfish peopleon the planet.Seriously. I know this because I used to beone of these people, and I know all theirdirty little secrets! And the point of thisnewsletter is to make everyone who thinks ofthemselves as "nice" or as a "victim" really,really pissed off!!!All of you "Nice Guys" out there reading thisare nothing more than "people pleasers."Somewhere in your life, you found out thatpleasing people is a way to get other peopleto like you and admire you so you can feelgood about yourself.Whether it was the acclaim of your parents,or the acceptance of your friends, somewherein your time on this planet YOU LEARNED tofeel good based on what other people thinkof you.But I'm here to tell you that using otherpeople's feelings and goodwill like thatis not only harmful, but dishonest!Anyone who says "I can't stand conflict!"or "If you can't say anything nice, don'tsay anything at all!" should do us all a favorand move to the planet "Ideal" where lifeis wonderful, we all have transparent heads,and there is no war.Only on this planet will you be able to findthat everyone is willing to give you the moralsupport you need.But that's the crux of the issue right there.All you "Nice Guys" have a losing mentalityabout your need for support. Your methodologyis: "I am so loving and giving and nice, Iexpect you to treat me the exact same way asI treat you!"Here is the typical thought process of Nice Guys:--"Don't disagree with me! It's not fair becauseI do so much for you!!!"--"Please be sympathetic and comfort me when I'mupset! I'm needy and can't comfort myself."--"Always be in a good mood. I am always tryingto make you happy and if I can't, I feel ashamedand mad at you!"--"Pay attention to me when I need it! I've earnedit after all I've done for you!!!!"--"Take care of me by doing what I'm afraid to do!I take care of you, so you need to return the favor!!!!"Look at those thoughts above, and ask yourself "Ifsomeone was saying that to me, how would I react?"Now you know where women are coming from when theydon't want to have relationships with "Nice Guys."Once that happens and the needy demands of "NiceGuys" go unmet, they fall into the deep pits ofself-pity and depression.They also feel a lot of shame and anger at theirfailure to please the women they want, and thoughthese "Nice Guys" can keep their pleasant demeanorup for a long time, their resentment of the womenthey want to please will grow and grow until itexplodes in anger and rage, either directed atothers, themselves, or both.This kind of mentality can extremely damage yourself respect and cause others to not want to bearound you.So what's a "Nice Guy" to do?If you want to have success with women,you need to stop being agreeable and insteadbe straightforward and honest, especiallywhen you have to go against the wishesof others and disappoint them.You can do this with kindness and sensitivity,but you MUST do this nonetheless.Only by being honest, with yourself and withothers, will you be able to overcome the selfish"nice guy" habits you have adopted in your life.And when you do this, you will stop caring aboutwhat other people think of you because the sourceof your validation comes from the fact that you'rebeing true to yourself and straightforward withothers, and you will cease to harbor resentmentand anger, and have more self respect and lessdepression.That is the only way I have found to truly stopbeing a "Nice Guy" and become the type of manother people can respect. It can be hard beinghonest with others (especially yourself), butin the end it is far more rewarding than anyother behavior you can adopt.
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