QUESTION FROM A READER:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
What and when are the best time and way to ask
a girl for a date?
A lot of my friends tell me that the best way
is to become a friend with her at first and
then to try to "deepen" the relationship. But
what I do is when I meet a girl that I am
interested in, I ask her out if not immediately,
I do it the day after. And I always get rejected.
What do u think?
MY RESPONSE:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Well, there's a definite school of thought for
both sides of that argument. But in a way, I
think it's a loaded question. But I'll
try to answer it the best I can.
What this really depends on is the type of girl
you're going after and the manner in which you
ask her out.
So we'll tackle the first part now:
The Type Of Girl
Okay, now when I say "type of girl," I'm not
talking about who she is (blond, brunette, 5'7
tall, etc.). I'm talking about how INTO
you she is.
See, if a girl likes you, it doesn't matter
when you ask her out. She's going to say YES.
But if she's on the fence, ambivalent to you,
or maybe not all that attracted to you (yet),
she may need a little more time for you to
"work your magic" on her before she'll agree
to go out with you.
So before you ask a girl out, try to figure
out where she's at on the "I'm Into You"
spectrum. It WILL affect your outcome.
Now onto the second part:
The Way You Ask Her Out
This is very important, because it's where
most guys make a mistake. There is a certain
strategy to asking a girl out that can be
successful 99% of the time, and I'll share
it with you right here.
Regardless of whether she's into you or not,
it's important that you display your desire
for her. Now, I'm not saying you have to be
drooling all over her in lust -- but I am
saying you need to FLIRT with her.
Flirting is important because it will
subcommunicate your intentions. Too often,
men will hide the fact they like a girl, and
then when they do finally ask her out, the
girl is surprised and scared because it
seemed to have come out of left field.
When you flirt with a girl, what you're doing
is "priming the pump" for the date. So when you
DO ask her out, she's ready for it and in
some ways, expecting it. This will totally
bypass that "Shocked deer in headlights"
look most women will give you when they're
suddenly asked out by a guy.
When you try befriending a girl first, you
run the risk of getting pegged in that dreaded
"let's just be friends" category. But if you're
flirtatious and the girl knows your intentions
(even if its on a subconscious level), you will
be able to avoid that pitfall because you're
making it clear from the beginning that you
want to be more than just friends.
So if the girl you're working on requires more
time, do the work, but don't completely cloak
your intentions.
Also, don't do the "Would you like to go out
sometime?" line to ask a girl out. That's a
TOTALLY loaded question because it instantly
snaps her into the "dating" mindset.
You may want to date a girl, but you don't
want it to FEEL like dating, because there
are all sorts of preconceived notions about
dating that can work against you in the
long run.
When you ask a girl out, try doing it indirectly.
Saying something like "Hey, I'm going to this great
concert (or movie, or bar, or whatever) tomorrow
night. Why don't you come along?" or "Hey, what
are you doing for dinner on Thursday? I know this
great place that I think you'd love!"
When you ask a girl out like this, you are,
in fact, asking her out on a date, but you're
bypassing all the "expectations" of dating.
It helps keep things light and fun while
getting you the same result.
p/s : aq dpt ni dpd : klik di sini
bace sbg pengetahuan okieee....(kapel kan haram...kan3...) eheh ^^
sapela yg masterminding article ni ea?dasat.